Is it possible to create an AppleID on iOS 10.3+ (or macOS 10.12.4+) WITHOUT giving Apple your private phone number permanently for 2FA
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2024-08-24 03:07:45 UTC
Simple privacy question regarding my iOS 10th gen iPad (iPadOS 17.6.1).
Q: Is it even possible to set up a new iOS (or macOS) device WITHOUT 2FA?
A: ?

If the answer is yes, then the next logical question is...
Q: How?
A: ?

Note that Apple was sued for not letting people remove 2FA.
Which, at that time 5 years ago, Apple said you had 2 weeks to remove it.

However.... I created an AppleID today on my new 10th generation iPad.
And it will NOT let me remove the 2FA that is *automatically* created!

The way I created that AppleID was simple:
a. A few weeks ago I set up the iPad as a dumb device
b. That means there was no Apple ID at that time
c. Today, I wanted to install Google Voice from the App Store
d. Given iOS is a dumb terminal, I had to log into App Store servers
e. Which means I had to create an AppleID (despite not wanting to do so)
f. On the iPad I tapped the settings first entry at the left
g. With this, I added an AppleID with *required* a valid phone number
h. There was NO OPTION to skip this involuntary step
i. So I gave it that "verification phone number" which it accepted
j. But now it has *PERMANENT* 2FA (which it won't let you get rid of)

In creating that new @icloud.com AppleID, Apple insisted on me losing my
privacy by giving Apple a "verification" phone number (which had no way of
not giving to Apple if you wanted to create the Apple ID).

Worse... much (much) worse, is that Apple unilaterally forced two-factor
authorization after having created the AppleID.

Worse, (even more worse), you can't get RID of that involuntary 2FA as far
as I can tell. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you know something I don't know.

Didn't Apple get sued for not letting people opt out of 2FA.

It used to be 2 weeks where you can remove the Apple ID verification phone
number before Apple forced you to use 2FA for the rest of your life.

I only created that AppleID today and it unilaterally added 2FA.
It won't let me REMOVE the 2FA. (I don't have passkeys.)

Note: I didn't create a password, nor any gimmicky biometrics, and I didn't
add any security questions (it never asked for them).

Q: Is it even possible to set up a new iOS (or macOS) device WITHOUT 2FA?
A: ?

If the answer is yes, then the next logical question is...
Q: How?
A: ?
2024-08-26 02:42:41 UTC
Post by Andrew
Simple privacy question regarding my iOS 10th gen iPad (iPadOS 17.6.1).
Q: Is it even possible to set up a new iOS (or macOS) device WITHOUT 2FA?
A: ?
Unfortunately, it turns out to be impossible to create a new AppleID
without 2 factor authorization since about at least February of 2023.

Which means for the rest of your natural life, you can't log into any Apple
device with that new AppleID without *also* having your phone with you!

That's the dumbest use model on the planet & yet Apple customers accept it!

Apple customers are herd-following ignorant sheep if they accept this
absurd Apple-only use model which requires you to have your phone with you
for the rest of your life just in case you need to log into your device.

